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Front-End Tests

Front-End Tests

Front-end tests focus on the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) aspects of an application. These tests ensure that the front-end of an application behaves as expected from the user's perspective. Front-end tests are essential for ensuring that visual components render correctly across different devices and browsers, and that user interactions perform as intended.

Benefits of Front-End Tests

These are some of the benefits with front-end tests:

  • User-Centric: Validates that the application works as expected for end-users.
  • Prevents UI Breakage: Helps catch issues that might affect the look and feel of the application.

Drawbacks of Front-End Tests

  • Fragility: Front-end tests can be brittle, often breaking with small UI changes.
  • Time-Consuming: Writing and maintaining these tests can be more labor-intensive compared to other types.
  • Performance: Tests may run slower due to the need to render UI components.

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