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Automated Tests

Automated Tests

Automated tests are scripts or programs that automatically verify the functionality of software, reducing the need for manual testing. They can be run frequently to catch issues early in the development process, ensuring that code changes don't introduce new bugs. Automated tests are ideal for regression testing, continuous integration, and large-scale applications where repeated manual testing is impractical.

Benefits of Automated Testing

These are some of the benefits provided by automated testing:

  • Efficiency: Automated tests can be run quickly and repeatedly, saving time compared to manual testing.
  • Consistency: They provide consistent results and eliminate human error.
  • Scalability: Can cover a large number of scenarios and configurations.

Drawbacks of Automated Testing

These are some of the drawbacks that come with automated testing:

  • Initial Investment: High upfront cost in terms of time and resources to write and maintain tests.
  • Maintenance: Tests may need to be updated frequently as the codebase changes.
  • Limited Scope: Not all testing scenarios can be automated, especially those requiring subjective judgment.

Automated Testing Tools for .NET

These are some of the tools used in creating automated tests for .NET applications:

  • xUnit
  • NUnit
  • MSTest
  • Playwright
  • Selenium
  • FluentAssertions
  • FluentValidations
  • NSubstitute
  • Selenium
  • RestSharp

See Also

There are many resources out there for automating testing. These are some of the guides we've created around automating testing for .NET applications.

Automating Unit Tests

Automating Front-End Tests

Automating Integration Tests

Automating Functional Tests

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