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Inversion of Control

Inversion of Control

Inversion of Control (IoC or IOC) describes a system that follows the Hollywood Principle. That is, flow of control within the application is not controlled by the application itself, but rather by the underlying framework. Typically in such an architecture, the application is written such that it ties into the application framework by handling framework events or plugging in to framework extension points.

An IoC Container, also known as a Dependency Inversion (DI) container, is a specialized factory used to facilitate dependency injection.

Code Example for IoC

For this concept, let's look at a hypothetical task processor and task service. The task processor (TaskProcessor) will get called in the main application to perform a task. Then, it will get an injected implementation of the interface, and it will call the PerformTask() on the injected implementation. The task processor doesn't have a specific implementation in its code - it just knows that it needs an implementation that fulfills a specific interface. The main application is responsible for injecting in the specific implementation.

The Flow of IoC

Let's look at this situation with a sequence diagram.

In this sequence diagram:

  1. MainProgram is the starting participant that creates an instance of TaskProcessor.
  2. TaskProcessor is activated, indicating that it is in the process of being executed.
  3. TaskProcessor then injects an instance of ITaskService into itself, provided by MainProgram. In this example, it could be an instance of TaskService.
  4. TaskProcessor calls the PerformTask() method on the injected ITaskService.
  5. TaskService is activated to execute the PerformTask() method.
  6. TaskService returns the result to TaskProcessor.
  7. Finally, TaskProcessor returns the result to MainProgram, and it is deactivated.

This is the sequence diagram:

TaskServiceTaskProcessorMainProgramTaskServiceTaskProcessorMainProgramCreate TaskProcessorInject ITaskServiceCall PerformTask()Return resultReturn result

Code Sample of IoC

This is a sample of what inversion of control could look like using C#.

In this example:

  • ITaskService is an interface representing a service with a PerformTask() method.
  • TaskService is a concrete implementation of ITaskService.
  • TaskProcessor is a class that depends on ITaskService. Instead of creating an instance of TaskService within TaskProcessor, it receives an instance of ITaskService through constructor injection.
  • In the Main() method, an instance of TaskService is created and passed to the constructor of TaskProcessor. The control flow is inverted because TaskProcessor doesn't create or manage its dependencies; they are injected from the outside.
// Service interface
public interface ITaskService
string PerformTask();
// Concrete implementation of the service
public class TaskService : ITaskService
public string PerformTask()
// Task logic here
return "Task completed";
// Class that depends on ITaskService
public class TaskProcessor
private readonly ITaskService taskService;
// Constructor injection of the dependency
public TaskProcessor(ITaskService taskService)
this.taskService = taskService;
public string ProcessTask()
// Using the injected dependency
return taskService.PerformTask();
// Main program
class Program
static void Main()
// Setting up the IoC container (dependency injection container)
// In a real-world scenario, you might use a more robust IoC container like Autofac, Unity, etc.
ITaskService taskService = new TaskService();
TaskProcessor taskProcessor = new TaskProcessor(taskService);
// Using the TaskProcessor without worrying about creating its dependencies
string result = taskProcessor.ProcessTask();

See Also

Hollywood Principle


Inversion of Control (Wikipedia)

Comparing Major C# IOC Containers

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